First Presbyterian Evangelical Church

Connect with the supernatural; welcome home.

At First Presbyterian Evangelical Church, several believers have found a home. One that is welcoming to the saved and those who are on a journey to connect with the extraordinary. In a fast-moving and highly sensitive world, there are several factors and circumstances that shake our faith. As our name implies, First Presbyterian Evangelical Church has taken this into consideration and made it the core of our gospel. Thus, we work in the spirit to ensure that despite all the distractions and possible obstacles in today’s world, believers are still on track. At the end of the day, our goal as a church is to stand out in a common world. More importantly, we are committed to ensuring that everyone feels seen and understood. No matter what problems you face at work, school, and even in your family, we absorb them at First Presbyterian Evangelical Church, and you can lay your worries at the altar of God. The gospel is for everyone, and our doors are open to you, no matter your background, age, class, orientation or gender.

Jesus is the foundation of our gospel

At First Presbyterian Evangelical Church, Jesus is our only message. Our gospel, practices, beliefs and doctrines revolve around what Jesus would do and his messages to the apostles while on earth. This way, our gospel is split into four major standpoints:

  • Jesus the Savior: At the First Presbyterian Evangelical Church, we firmly believe that Jesus came to earth, lived as man, started his ministry as an adult, performed miracles, drew people to God and eventually died for our sins. This belief is the foundation of our faith and why we gather as a congregation. It is our conviction and the reason for our ministry. In today’s world, to be saved means to be set aside as God’s favourite among other humans. If you ever feel your heart is not in the right place or you feel constantly troubled and carried away by problems, it is time for you to approach Jesus.
  • Jesus the Healer: One of the core ministries of Christ on earth was healing the sick and giving them a second chance in life. From the blind to the cripple and even leppers. In a chaotic and otherwise sick and dying world, we constantly look to Jesus as the source of our healing. We strongly believe he came to earth and died for us. Thus, his sacrifice covered us and shielded us from all earthly afflictions. It should be noted that this does not affect our relationship with modern medicine as we believe God works through them to heal us of our sicknesses.
  • Jesus the comforter: Jesus constantly brought peace and comfort everywhere he went. From Galilee to Bethlehem. He dried the tears of the grieving and brought joy to the needy. When he transcended into heaven, he left the Holy Spirit to continue the work of the comforter, and that is why we believe in the gospel of the Holy Spirit to guide us and comfort us through the trials and tribulations of a modern world. What is troubling your heart? Is it a failing marriage? a terrible job? Crippling finances? Toxic academic environment? The First Presbyterian Evangelical Church is home for you to lay it all at the feet of the comforter. We welcome you to join us at any of our weekly services.
  • Jesus the coming King: The fourth pillar of our faith is that Jesus is coming back soon to take the faithful with him. This is why we have opened our doors and presented an opportunity for you to be part of this joy at the end of the day.

Come and serve in his presence

At First Presbyterian Evangelical Church ministry, our doors are wide open to everyone. From families to singles and couples. You can find peace in knowing there is a community waiting for you, that is ready to accept you for who you are. There is a children’s church where our staff cater to toddlers, adolescents and teenagers. They are also taught the World of God from a young age to build them in faith.